Which of the following is true about −9 ?

It is an integer but not a whole number.

tell me why this is the correct number

This statement is correct because −9 is an integer but not a whole number.

Initially, it is important to understand the definitions of integers and whole numbers.

Integers are a set of numbers that include positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero, without any fractional or decimal parts. So, integers can be -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.

Whole numbers, on the other hand, are a set of numbers that include zero and all positive integers without any fractional or decimal parts. So, whole numbers can be 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.

Since −9 is a negative number without any decimal or fractional part, it qualifies as an integer. However, it does not fit the criteria for being a whole number since whole numbers only include positive numbers or zero. Hence, the statement "−9 is an integer but not a whole number" is correct.

The statement that -9 is an integer but not a whole number is correct.

An integer is a number that includes both positive and negative whole numbers, including zero and all the numbers in between them. So, -9 falls into this category because it is a negative whole number.

On the other hand, a whole number is a non-negative integer, which means it includes all the positive integers (1, 2, 3, etc.), as well as zero. Since -9 is a negative number, it is not considered a whole number.

Therefore, -9 is an integer but not a whole number because it is a negative whole number.