Complete the table below by filling in the principal quantam number n and angular momentum quantum number L for each electron subshell listed

Subshell 6f,4d,6p,1s
What are their principal quantum number and angular momentum quantum number

Subshell | Principal quantum number (n) | Angular momentum quantum number (L)

6f | 6 | 3
4d | 4 | 2
6p | 6 | 1
1s | 1 | 0

To determine the principal quantum number (n) and angular momentum quantum number (L) for each subshell, we need to follow the rules:

1. The principal quantum number (n) represents the energy level or shell in which the electron resides. It can have any positive integer value.

2. The angular momentum quantum number (L) determines the shape of the subshell and is related to the azimuthal quantum number. It can have integer values from 0 to (n-1).

Now let's fill in the table:

Subshell | Principal Quantum Number (n) | Angular Momentum Quantum Number (L)
6f | 6 | 3
4d | 4 | 2
6p | 6 | 1
1s | 1 | 0

So, the principal quantum number (n) and the angular momentum quantum number (L) for the given subshells are as shown in the table.