Complete the table below by filling in the principal quantam number n and angular momentum quantum number L for each electron subshell listed

Subshell 6d,1s,5f,5p
What are their principal quantum number and angular momentum quantum number

Subshell Principal Quantum Number (n) Angular Momentum Quantum Number (L)

6d 6 2
1s 1 0
5f 5 3
5p 5 1

To determine the principal quantum number (n) and angular momentum quantum number (L) for each electron subshell listed, we need to understand the electron subshell notation.

In electron subshell notation, the principal quantum number is represented as a whole number (1, 2, 3, ...) and indicates the energy level of the electron. The angular momentum quantum number is represented by a letter, where each letter denotes a different subshell (s, p, d, f).

Subshell: 6d
Principal Quantum Number (n): 6
Angular Momentum Quantum Number (L): d

Subshell: 1s
Principal Quantum Number (n): 1
Angular Momentum Quantum Number (L): s

Subshell: 5f
Principal Quantum Number (n): 5
Angular Momentum Quantum Number (L): f

Subshell: 5p
Principal Quantum Number (n): 5
Angular Momentum Quantum Number (L): p