4. Solve this equation for y: y3=2x

(1 point)
Answer choices

y is equal to 2 x minus 3

y is equal to 6 x

y is equal to 2 x plus 3


y is equal to 23 x

Solve this equation for y: y3=2x

To solve the equation y^3 = 2x for y, we will take the cube root of both sides:

∛(y^3) = ∛(2x)

y = ∛(2x)

So the solution is y = ∛(2x).


the answer choices are

y is equal to 2 x minus 3

y is equal to 6 x

y is equal to 2 x plus 3


Apologies for the confusion. To solve the equation y^3 = 2x for y, we need to take the cube root of both sides:

∛(y^3) = ∛(2x)

y = ∛(2x)

Therefore, the correct answer choice is y = ∛(2x).

To solve the equation y^3 = 2x, you need to take the cube root of both sides to isolate y.

Step 1: Take the cube root of both sides:

∛(y^3) = ∛(2x)

This simplifies to:

y = ∛(2x)

Therefore, the equation is y = ∛(2x).

The correct answer is missing from the answer choices provided. The correct answer is:

y = ∛(2x)

To solve the equation y^3 = 2x for y, we need to find the cube root of both sides of the equation.

Taking the cube root of y^3, we get y:

y = ∛(2x)

Therefore, the answer is:

y = ∛(2x)

None of the answer choices provided matches the correct answer, so the correct answer is not among the given options.