Use Figure 1 to answer the question.

What is another name for plane Z?
(1 point)

plane ZXL
plane ZXL

plane XTV
plane XTV

plane SLT
plane SLT

plane XSL
plane XSL

Use Figure 1 to answer the question.

Plane STL and plane Z would intersect at _____.
(1 point)

line TV
Image with alt text: line TV

line XL
Image with alt text: line XL

plane STV
Image with alt text: plane STV

plane SLV
Image with alt text: plane SLV

Which of the following angles, when placed in standard position, does not land in quadrant III?

(1 point)





The correct answer is 145°.

Find the area of the shaded region.

A square is shown with circle upper O inscribed inside of the square. A side is labeled 8. The area of the square outside of the circle is shaded.
(1 point)

64 – 16symbol pi square units
64 – 16 Image with alt text: symbol pi square units

64 – 64symbol pi square units
64 – 64 Image with alt text: symbol pi square units

64 – 18symbol pi square units
64 – 18 Image with alt text: symbol pi square units

64 square units
64 square units

The correct answer is 64 – 16π square units.

f the measures of two complementary angles are 7x and 11x, then find x.

(1 point)

x = 5
x = 5

x = 10
x = 10

x = 22.5
x = 22.5

x = 12

To find x, we need to set up an equation based on the fact that two angles are complementary:

7x + 11x = 90

Combining like terms:

18x = 90

Dividing both sides by 18:

x = 5

The correct answer is x = 5.

Find a point E on ModifyingAbove C D with bar such that the ratio of ModifyingAbove C E with bar to ModifyingAbove C D with bar is one-fourth.

A number line measures from negative 10 to 10. C is located at negative 9. D is located at 7.
(1 point)

negative 7
Image with alt text: negative 7

negative 5
Image with alt text: negative 5

negative 3
Image with alt text: negative 3

negative 1
Image with alt text: negative 1

To find point E, we can use the given information that the ratio of line segment CE to line segment CD is one-fourth. CD measures from -9 to 7, which is a distance of 16 units.

Since the ratio of CE to CD is 1/4, we divide 16 by 4 to find the length of CE:

16/4 = 4

Starting from point C at -9, we move 4 units to the right to locate point E.

Therefore, point E is located at -5.

The correct answer is negative 5.

What is the perimeter of a rectangle with width 10 inches and length 13 inches?