All of the residents uses the courtyard daily so everybody picks up the trash and pulls weeds .

The courtyard is an essential and beloved part of the community, and all residents take responsibility for its upkeep. Each day, every resident contributes to the cleanliness and beauty of the courtyard by picking up any litter they come across. Whether it's a stray piece of paper or a discarded item, everyone makes a conscious effort to keep the space free from trash.

Additionally, the residents collaborate to ensure that the courtyard remains weed-free. Regular maintenance and weeding schedules are implemented to tackle any unwanted growth. Everyone takes turns pulling weeds and ensuring that the courtyard is always in pristine condition.

This collective effort not only maintains the aesthetics of the courtyard but also fosters a sense of unity among the residents. By sharing these responsibilities, everyone feels a sense of ownership and pride in their shared space, enhancing the overall quality of life within the community.

That's nice to hear that everyone in the community takes responsibility for keeping the courtyard clean! Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how you can pick up trash and pull weeds in the courtyard:

1. Step outside: Begin by going outside to the courtyard. Bring along a pair of gloves, a trash bag, and any necessary garden tools like a small shovel or garden fork.

2. Scan the area: Walk around the courtyard and scan the area for any trash or weeds. Look for any discarded papers, plastic bottles, food wrappers, or other debris that needs to be picked up. Also, identify any weeds growing in the ground, between cracks, or along the edges of paths.

3. Dispose of trash: As you come across any litter, use your gloves to pick it up and place it in the trash bag. Ensure that you properly dispose of the trash later in an appropriate receptacle.

4. Start weeding: Once you've cleared the visible trash, shift your focus to pulling weeds. Use your garden tools to gently dig around the base of each weed. Try to get as much of the root system as possible to prevent regrowth. Pull the weeds out of the ground, putting them aside to discard later.

5. Remove weed debris: As you pull weeds, place them in a separate pile or bag for disposal. Avoid leaving them on the ground, as this can create an unsightly appearance and may allow the weed seeds to spread.

6. Dispose of the debris: Once you've finished picking up trash and pulling weeds, dispose of the collected debris appropriately. If your community has designated trash or compost bins, use those for disposal. Otherwise, bag the trash and weeds securely and place them in the proper waste receptacles.

7. Repeat regularly: To keep the courtyard clean and weed-free, it's important to repeat these steps regularly. Create a schedule or assign someone to check the courtyard daily for new trash or weeds and take the necessary actions to maintain a clean environment.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can contribute to the overall cleanliness and beauty of your community courtyard.