Fill-in-the-Blank with the preposition of the sentence.(1 point)

The legendary Pony Express rode its way into American history.

The legendary Pony Express rode its way into American history.

Fill-in-the-Blank with the preposition of the sentence.(1 point)

The legendary Pony Express rode its way into American history

The legendary Pony Express rode its way into American history.

The legendary Pony Express rode __into__ American history.

To fill in the blank with the correct preposition, we need to determine which preposition best fits the sentence. In this case, the preposition that completes the sentence is "into".

To arrive at this conclusion, we can look at the verb "rode" and the object "American history". The verb "rode" implies movement, and "American history" represents the destination or location where the Pony Express rode.

Therefore, the preposition "into" indicates the motion or movement of the Pony Express into American history.