Sara wants to add 0.35 to 12

using fractions. Which fraction can she use for 0.35?

0.35 can be written as the fraction 35/100.

Sara wants to add 0.35 to 1/2

using fractions. Which fraction can she use for 0.35?

0.35 can be written as the fraction 35/100. However, in order to add it to 1/2, the fractions need to have a common denominator. The common denominator for 1/2 and 35/100 is 100. Therefore, Sara can use the fraction 35/100 to represent 0.35 and add it to 1/2.

There are 0.25 quart in one cup.

Which fraction is equivalent to the number of quarts in one cup?

To find the fraction equivalent to the number of quarts in one cup, we need to express 0.25 as a fraction.

Since there are 4 cups in one quart, we can say that 1 quart is equal to 4/4 or 1 whole.

Therefore, the fraction equivalent to the number of quarts in one cup is 1/4.

Sofie earned $20 for helping her mom with her baby brother, Matthew. She spent $15 of the $20 on a board game.

What percent of the money did Sofie spend on the board game?

To find the percentage of the money Sofie spent on the board game, we divide the amount spent ($15) by the total amount of money she earned ($20) and then multiply by 100.

($15 / $20) * 100 = 0.75 * 100 = 75

Therefore, Sofie spent 75% of the money on the board game.

A small popcorn at the movie theater holds 0.72 cup of popcorn.

Which fraction is equivalent to the amount of popcorn, in cups, a small popcorn holds?

To find the fraction equivalent to the amount of popcorn a small popcorn holds (0.72 cup), we can write it as a fraction with a numerator of 72 and a denominator of 100.

Therefore, the equivalent fraction for 0.72 cup of popcorn is 72/100. However, this fraction can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 8.

Dividing 72 and 100 by 8, we get:

72/8 = 9
100/8 = 12

So, the simplified fraction for 0.72 cup of popcorn is 9/12.

A small popcorn at the movie theater holds 0.72 cup of popcorn.

Which fraction is equivalent to the amount of popcorn, in cups, a small popcorn holds?
A 27
2 sevenths
B 1825
18 over 25
C 1217
12 over 17
D 115