Lynn had overdrawn her checking account 3 days in a row after the balance reached $0. Each day she took out $15 without realizing what had happened. Which of the following would appear on a bank statement representing the amount currently in her account since she spent more than she had?

On Lynn's bank statement, it would show a negative balance or an overdraft fee.


I apologize if my response was misleading. If Lynn's account has been overdrawn for three consecutive days, it is possible that her bank statement would show three separate transactions of $15 each, reflecting the withdrawals she made without sufficient funds. Additionally, the bank statement might also include an overdraft fee charged by the bank for each overdrawn transaction.

Since Lynn had overdrawn her checking account, the bank statement would show a negative balance.

To determine the amount that would appear on Lynn's bank statement, we need to calculate the negative balance she accumulated from overdrawing her account multiple times.

Since Lynn overdrew her account for 3 days in a row, each day taking out $15, the total amount she spent more than she had can be calculated as follows:
3 days * $15/day = $45

Therefore, Lynn spent $45 more than she had in her account. This negative balance would appear on the bank statement as a deduction or a negative number.

So, on Lynn's bank statement, the amount representing the current balance in her account would be -$45.