Digested food substances are absorbed into the blood stream in the

A. Kindney
B. Lleum
C. Liver
D. Stomach

B. Ileum

The end product of digestion of fat and oil are glucose

A. Amino acid and glycerol
B. Amino acid and glucose
D. Fatty acid and proteins
D. Bile

A. Amino acid and glycerol

Digestion of protein starts in the

A. Mouth
D. Saliva

A. Mouth

In which part of thealimentary canal is food finally changed into a form that can absorb into the blood stream

A .small intestine
B. Mouth
D. Oestrogen

A. Small intestine

The space occupied by matter is it's

A. Area
C. Length
D. Radius

B. Volume

When a piece of candle is heated ,it's changed from