What’s is 5,628 divided by 14

The quotient of 5,628 divided by 14 is 402.

To divide 5,628 by 14, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the division problem: 5,628 ÷ 14
Step 2: Start with the leftmost digit of the dividend (5,628) and divide it by the divisor (14).
Step 3: Determine how many times the divisor (14) can go into the leftmost digit of the dividend without exceeding it. In this case, 14 can go into 56 three times because 14 x 3 = 42.
Step 4: Multiply the quotient, 3, by the divisor, 14, and subtract the result from the leftmost digit of the dividend. In this case, 3 x 14 = 42, and 56 - 42 = 14.
Step 5: Bring down the next digit from the dividend to create the new dividend. In this case, the next digit is 2.
Step 6: Repeat steps 3 to 5 with the new dividend. Divide 14 into 142. The quotient will be 10.
Step 7: Continue dividing until all digits of the dividend have been divided. In this case, the final quotient is 402.
Step 8: The remainder is the 0 left after all divisions are completed.
Therefore, 5,628 ÷ 14 = 402 with a remainder of 0.