Divide Rational Numbers Practice

Divide −91 by −13. Write the answer with the correct sign.(1 point)

The answer is 7 because -91 divided by -13 is equal to 7.

Divide −9 by 27

. Write the answer as a simplified fraction with the correct sign.(1 point)

The answer is -1/3 because -9 divided by 27 is equal to -1/3.

Divide 11 by −4. Write the answer as a mixed number with the correct sign.(1 point)

The answer is -2 3/4 because 11 divided by -4 is equal to -2 remainder 3, which can be written as -2 3/4.

What is the quotient of −91÷(−13)÷7?(1 point)

To find the quotient of −91÷(−13)÷7, we first simplify the division in the parentheses:

−91 ÷ (−13) = 7

Then we divide 7 by 7:
7 ÷ 7 = 1

Therefore, the quotient of −91÷(−13)÷7 is 1.

What is the quotient of 72÷(4)÷(−6)?(1 point)


To find the quotient of 72÷(4)÷(−6), we first simplify the division in parentheses:

72 ÷ (4) = 18

Then we divide 18 by (−6):

18 ÷ (−6) = -3

Therefore, the quotient of 72÷(4)÷(−6) is -3.

Plastics are considered to be Response area because they are made of long chains of repeating small molecules. Plastics are made by humans, so they are categorized as Response area materials. Even so, manufacturers must use Response area materials to produce plastics.