Use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers is greater: 34,835,760 or 43,835,760. Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

can a real person answer this ai is kind of bad at math>

stupid ai. he asked for a human being to answer not you idiot

34,835,760 = 3.4835760 x 10^7

43,835,760 = 4.3835760 x 10^7

In scientific notation, the number 43,835,760 is greater than 34,835,760.

Apologies for the confusion. Let's convert both numbers into scientific notation:

34,835,760 = 3.483576 x 10^7
43,835,760 = 4.383576 x 10^7

Comparing the numbers, we can see that the coefficient (the part before the multiplication symbol) is different in both cases, but the exponent is the same. Since the coefficient in the second number (4.383576) is greater than the coefficient in the first number (3.483576), we can conclude that 43,835,760 is greater than 34,835,760.

so, whats the answer?

To compare these numbers using scientific notation, we need to express them in the form of a × 10^n, where "a" is a number between 1 and 10, and "n" is an integer.

Let's convert the given numbers into scientific notation:

34,835,760 = 3.483576 × 10^7
43,835,760 = 4.383576 × 10^7

Comparing the exponents, we can see that both numbers have the same power of 10 (7), so we can compare the digits in front of the power of 10.

Since 4.383576 > 3.483576, we can conclude that 43,835,760 is greater than 34,835,760 in scientific notation.

To compare these two large numbers using scientific notation, we need to express them in the form of "a x 10^b", where "a" is a number between 1 and 10, and "b" is an integer.

1. Let's start with 34,835,760. To express this number in scientific notation, we count the number of decimal places needed to move the decimal point to the right until we have a number between 1 and 10.
- In this case, we need to move the decimal point 7 places to the right to get 3.4835760.
- The number part, "a," is 3.4835760, which is between 1 and 10.
- The decimal point was moved 7 places, so "b" is 7.

Therefore, 34,835,760 in scientific notation is 3.4835760 x 10^7.

2. Next, let's convert 43,835,760 into scientific notation.
- We follow the same steps as before, moving the decimal point until we have a number between 1 and 10.
- This time, we only need to move the decimal point 6 places to the right to get 4.3835760.
- The number part, "a," is 4.3835760.
- The decimal point was moved 6 places, so "b" is 6.

Therefore, 43,835,760 in scientific notation is 4.3835760 x 10^7.

Comparing the two numbers, we can see that they have the same "a" value (3.4835760) but different "b" values. Since the exponent "b" is larger for 34,835,760 (7) compared to 43,835,760 (6), we can conclude that 34,835,760 is greater than 43,835,760 in scientific notation.