For the middle school dance, the student council ordered 18 balloons printed with the school logo. On the night of the party, 4 of the balloons popped. Which problem below represents this scenario using the additive inverse?

The problem can be represented using the additive inverse as follows:

18 balloons - 4 popped balloons = ?

For the middle school dance, the student council ordered 18 balloons printed with the school logo. On the night of the party, 4 of the balloons popped. Which problem below represents this scenario using the additive inverse?

1 point
-18 - 4
18 - (-4)
18 + (-4)

The problem that represents this scenario using the additive inverse is:

18 - (-4)

The problem that represents this scenario using the additive inverse is:

18 balloons - 4 popped balloons.