Prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, which of the following areas of the world contained Diaspora communities?

(1 point)

Central Asia
Central Asia

Great Britain
Great Britain


Southern Africa

Southern Africa

What happened to the kingdom of Israel after Solomon died?

(1 point)

David became king.
David became king.

It split into two kingdoms.
It split into two kingdoms.

It fell and the Babylonian captivity began.
It fell and the Babylonian captivity began.

The time of judges began.

It split into two kingdoms.

How have the teachings of Judaism influenced modern society?

(1 point)

Many classic tales are taken from stories originating in the Talmud.

Many classic tales are taken from stories originating in the Talmud.

Hebrew is one of the most common languages spoken in the world.

Hebrew is one of the most common languages spoken in the world.

Jewish ethical and moral traditions form a basis for many democratic societies.

Jewish ethical and moral traditions form a basis for many democratic societies.

The Ten Commandments replaced Hammurabi's Code as the basis for criminal law.

Prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, two areas of the world contained Diaspora communities: Central Asia and Great Britain. Southern Africa and Japan did not have significant Jewish Diaspora communities during that time.

To identify which areas of the world contained Diaspora communities prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, we need to consider historical information and the dispersion of Jewish communities.

1. Central Asia: Prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, there were Jewish communities in regions such as Babylonia (current-day Iraq), which is located in Central Asia. The historical Babylonian captivity resulted in the establishment of Jewish settlements in this region.

2. Great Britain: While there has been Jewish presence in Britain for centuries, it is important to note that the Jewish community in the British Isles did not emerge until after the destruction of the Second Temple. Therefore, prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, there were no Jewish communities in Great Britain.

3. Japan: There is no historical evidence indicating the presence of Jewish Diaspora communities in Japan prior to the destruction of the Second Temple. The Jewish presence in Japan has a more recent history, particularly during the 20th century.

4. Southern Africa: Similarly, there is no significant historical evidence of Jewish Diaspora communities in Southern Africa prior to the destruction of the Second Temple. The Jewish communities in Southern Africa generally grew in more recent times due to factors like migration and economic opportunities.

Based on the provided options, we can conclude that Central Asia is the only area that contained Diaspora communities prior to the destruction of the Second Temple.