improper fraction in between 2.64 and 2.82

There are infinite improper fractions between 2.64 and 2.82. However, one example could be 2.7.

To find an improper fraction between 2.64 and 2.82, we need to convert the decimal numbers into fractions.

Step 1: Converting 2.64 into a fraction:
Since there are two decimal places in 2.64, we can write it as 264/100. Reducing this fraction gives us 33/25.

Step 2: Converting 2.82 into a fraction:
Similarly, since there are two decimal places in 2.82, we can write it as 282/100. Reducing this fraction gives us 141/50.

To find a fraction in between, we can add the two fractions and divide by 2:
(33/25 + 141/50) / 2

Step 3: Adding the fractions:
First, we need to find a common denominator for 25 and 50, which is 50. So, we multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction (33/25) by 2:
(33/25)(2/2) + 141/50 = 66/50 + 141/50

Step 4: Adding the numerators:
(66 + 141)/50 = 207/50

Finally, we divide this fraction by 2:
(207/50) / 2

Step 5: Dividing the fraction:
To divide a fraction by 2, we multiply the numerator by 1 and the denominator by 2:

Step 6: Simplifying the fraction:
Multiplying the numerators and denominators gives us:

Therefore, the improper fraction between 2.64 and 2.82 is 207/100.