What is the approximate answer to the problem that will help you determine reasonableness of other answers. 4.05 x 6.18


The approximate answer to the problem 4.05 x 6.18 is 25.029.

To determine the reasonableness of other answers, we can calculate the approximate answer to the problem.

To find 4.05 multiplied by 6.18:
Step 1: Multiply the whole numbers only: 4 x 6 = 24.
Step 2: Multiply the decimal parts only: 0.05 x 0.18 = 0.009.
Step 3: Add the results from Step 1 and Step 2: 24 + 0.009 = 24.009.

Therefore, the approximate answer to 4.05 x 6.18 is 24.009.

Now we can compare this answer to the other options:

- The answer 24 is close to the approximate answer but not exact.
- The answer 25.029 is not close to the approximate answer.

Based on the comparison, the answer 24 is the most reasonable option.