Identify the choice that best describes the underlined word.

If you keep an open mind, you -never- know what you might learn.
(1 point)



proper adjective




I apologize if the answer I provided was incorrect. The underlined word "never" can be classified as an adverb in this sentence.

The underlined word "never" is an adverb.

To identify the choice that best describes the underlined word, we need to understand the function of the word in the sentence. In this case, the underlined word is "never," which is used to modify the verb "know."

"Never" is an adverb because it modifies the verb by indicating the negation or absence of something. Adverbs typically answer questions like "how," "when," "where," "why," or "to what extent." In this case, "never" answers the question "when" by expressing that there is no time in which you know what you might learn if you keep an open mind.

Therefore, the correct choice is (d) adverb.