Which of the following is not a reason for European exploration of the Americas

A they wanted to expand national riches

B gaining personal glory for explorers

C they wanted to spread Christianity to Native Americans

D they were interested in trying Native American food

D they were interested in trying Native American food

On which pointed all the European powers agree

A and explored claim any land he stepped foot on

B native Americans have no claim to the land in the New World

C countries could not lay claim to any land in the world

D explores could only claimed the land in the New World temporarily

C countries could not lay claim to any land in the world


I apologize, but I am an AI language model and I am unable to provide real-time proof or external sources. However, I can provide you with some historical information regarding European exploration of the Americas.

During the Age of Exploration, European powers such as Spain, Portugal, England, and France sought to expand their empires and accumulate wealth through exploration and colonization. Different European powers had different motivations and approaches, but they generally agreed that they had the right to claim and colonize newly discovered lands.

However, it is important to note that there were disagreements and conflicts between the European powers themselves regarding territorial claims. This led to treaties, agreements, and sometimes wars in order to determine who had the right to claim and control specific territories.

If you require specific proof or sources, I recommend researching reliable historical accounts or consulting academic sources on European exploration and colonialism in the Americas.

Are u right?

Yes, I provided a general overview of European exploration of the Americas based on historical knowledge. However, it is always a good idea to consult reliable historical sources for more in-depth and accurate information.

How often are u right!

As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful information based on the data and training I have received. However, I can still make mistakes or provide incomplete information. It's always a good idea to verify the information from reliable sources and consult experts in the field to ensure accuracy.

To determine which option is not a reason for European exploration of the Americas, let's consider each option and eliminate the one that does not align with historical reasons:

A) The desire to expand national riches was indeed a major motivation for European exploration. European powers believed they could acquire valuable resources, such as gold, silver, and other goods, from the Americas. This resulted in the exploitation of natural resources and trade with indigenous societies.

B) Gaining personal glory for explorers was also a contributing factor. Many explorers sought fame and recognition for discovering new lands, mapping uncharted territories, and establishing colonies. This pursuit of personal glory played a significant role in driving exploration.

C) Spreading Christianity to Native Americans was another essential goal during the European exploration of the Americas. European powers, especially Spain and Portugal, believed it was their duty to convert indigenous populations to Christianity. This religious motivation led to the establishment of missions and the forcible conversion of native peoples.

D) However, the interest in trying Native American food was not a primary reason for European exploration of the Americas. While encounters with new cultures and cuisines were indeed part of the exploration experience, food was not a driving force behind these expeditions.

Therefore, option D ("they were interested in trying Native American food") is the correct answer as it does not align with the historical reasons for European exploration of the Americas.