Find mangleQ

An image of two horizontal lines intersecting two diagonal lines is shown.· Both of the horizontal lines have a right arrow labeled on them.
· One of the diagonal lines extends from the upper left corner to the lower right corner.
· The other diagonal line extends from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.
· Both diagonal lines intersect with the top horizontal line in the upper left corner of the image.
· Six angles are formed at the intersection of these three lines.
· Angle upper Q is the angle at the top formed by the two diagonal lines.
· Moving clockwise around the intersection, angle upper R is formed by the horizontal line and the diagonal line extending from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.
· Moving clockwise around the intersection, the next two angles are unlabeled.
· The next angle is labeled 76 degree sign, and the last angle is unlabeled.
· Four angles are formed at the intersection of the lower horizontal line and the diagonal line that extends from the upper left corner to the lower left corner.
· The angle in the lower right position at this intersection is labeled 38 degree sign.
(1 point)





The angle mangleQ is 66 degrees.

To find angle MangleQ in the given image, we need to follow the given instructions step-by-step.

1. Start by identifying the angles at the intersection of the two diagonal lines and the top horizontal line:
- Angle Upper Q: This is the angle at the top formed by the two diagonal lines.

2. Moving clockwise around the intersection, identify the next angle formed by the horizontal line and the diagonal line extending from the upper right corner to the lower left corner:
- Angle Upper R: This is the angle formed by the horizontal line and the diagonal line extending from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.

3. Moving clockwise around the intersection, the next two angles are unlabeled.

4. The next angle is labeled 76 degrees.

5. The last angle is unlabeled.

6. Now, let's move on to the intersection of the lower horizontal line and the diagonal line that extends from the upper left corner to the lower left corner:
- Angle in the lower right position: This angle is labeled 38 degrees.

Based on the given information, we can conclude that angle MangleQ is 76 degrees.