Use the graph to derive the equation y=mx for a line through the origin. Simplify the numerical coefficient, if needed.

(1 point)

y equals 3 x

y equals 8 x

y equals Start Fraction 3 over 3 End Fraction x


that isnt an answer

can you make it more simple?

The proportional relationship between inches and feet is displayed on the graph. Derive the equation of the line through the origin.

(1 point)

y equals 12 x

y equals 2 x

y equals 36 x

y equals Start Fraction 1 over 12 End Fraction x

are you correct?

Use the table to answer the question.

x y (x, y)
0 (0, )
1 (1, )
2 (2, )
Complete the ordered pairs in the table by finding the y-value of the ordered pairs for the equation y=5x.

(1 point)

(0, 0), (1, 15) , (2, 25)
left parenthesis 0 comma 0 right parenthesis , left parenthesis 1 comma Start Fraction 1 over 5 End Fraction right parenthesis , left parenthesis 2 comma Start Fraction 2 over 5 End Fraction right parenthesis

(0, 0), (1, 5), (2, 10)
left parenthesis 0 comma 0 right parenthesis , left parenthesis 1 comma 5 right parenthesis , left parenthesis 2 comma 10 right parenthesis

(0, 0), (5, 1), (10, 2)
left parenthesis 0 comma 0 right parenthesis , left parenthesis 5 comma 1 right parenthesis , left parenthesis 10 comma 2 right parenthesis

(0, 0), (1, 5), (3, 15)

To find the y-values for the equation y = 5x, we can substitute the given x-values into the equation.

0: y = 5(0) = 0
1: y = 5(1) = 5
2: y = 5(2) = 10

Therefore, the completed ordered pairs in the table are:
(0, 0), (1, 5), (2, 10)

The correct response is:
(0, 0), (1, 5), (2, 10)

Graph the proportional relationship y=−2x by plotting points.

What would the chart look like?

The chart for the proportional relationship y = -2x would look like a straight line passing through the origin (0,0).

To plot the points, we can choose a few x-values and substitute them into the equation to find the corresponding y-values.

Let's choose x = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, and 3:

When x = -3, y = -2(-3) = 6
When x = -2, y = -2(-2) = 4
When x = -1, y = -2(-1) = 2
When x = 0, y = -2(0) = 0
When x = 1, y = -2(1) = -2
When x = 2, y = -2(2) = -4
When x = 3, y = -2(3) = -6

Plotting these points on a coordinate plane would result in a straight line passing through the origin with a downward slope.

Is this the correct graph of the equation y=15x?

(1 point)

No, it is not the correct graph because the ordered pair (1, 5) is not a point on the graph of y=15x
No, it is not the correct graph because the ordered pair left parenthesis 1 comma 5 right parenthesis is not a point on the graph of y equals Start Fraction 1 over 5 End Fraction x

No, it is not the correct graph because the slope m=riserun=15.
No, it is not the correct graph because the slope m equals Start Fraction rise over run End Fraction equals Start Fraction 1 over 5 End Fraction .

Yes, it is the correct graph because the ordered pair (0, 0) satisfies the equation and the slope m=riserun=15.
Yes, it is the correct graph because the ordered pair left parenthesis 0 comma 0 right parenthesis satisfies the equation and the slope m equals Start Fraction rise over run End Fraction equals Start Fraction 1 over 5 End Fraction .

Yes, it is the correct graph because the slope =51.

The correct response is: No, it is not the correct graph because the ordered pair (1, 5) is not a point on the graph of y = 15x.

The equation y = 15x represents a line with a slope of 15 and passes through the origin. However, since the ordered pair (1, 5) does not satisfy the equation, it means that it does not lie on the graph of the equation y = 15x.