Place the following numbers in order from LEAST to GREATEST

Square Root 7, -0.34, -7/3, 1.16, square root 3

-7/3, -0.34, √3, 1.16, √7

To order the numbers from least to greatest, we will compare each number to the others:

1. Let's start with the two square root values:
- The square root of 3 is approximately 1.73.
- The square root of 7 is approximately 2.65.

2. Now let's compare the remaining non-square root numbers:
- -0.34 is the smallest among the non-square root numbers.
- 1.16 comes after -0.34.
- -7/3 is approximately -2.33, which is smaller than -0.34.

Now, let's put all the numbers in order from least to greatest:

- -7/3 (approximately -2.33)
- -0.34
- 1.16
- √3 (approximately 1.73)
- √7 (approximately 2.65)