On which point did all European powers agree? (1 point)


An explorer could claim any land he stepped foot on

Native Americans held no claim to the land in the New World

Countries could not lay claim to any land in the New World

Explorers could only claim land in the New World Temporarily

None of the listed points were agreed upon by all European powers.

which one of the responses is the right one?

The point on which all European powers agreed is: Explorers could only claim land in the New World temporarily.

To determine which point all European powers agreed on, we first need to understand the historical context. During the Age of Exploration in the late 15th and 16th centuries, European countries sent explorers to the New World (the Americas) to discover new lands, establish colonies, and expand their wealth and influence.

Looking at the given responses:

1. "An explorer could claim any land he stepped foot on": This concept of claiming land simply by setting foot on it is known as the Doctrine of Discovery. While it was a common belief among European explorers at the time, not all European powers agreed on this point. Some countries, like Spain, relied heavily on the Doctrine of Discovery to justify their colonization efforts. However, other powers, such as Portugal, had different approaches to claiming land.

2. "Native Americans held no claim to the land in the New World": This statement reflects the perspective of European powers during that period. Many Europeans believed that the indigenous peoples of the New World did not have legal or legitimate claims to the land. However, this was not a point of agreement among all European powers. Some countries recognized the sovereignty and rights of the native inhabitants, while others did not.

3. "Countries could not lay claim to any land in the New World": This statement implies that European powers did not have the right to claim land in the New World. Again, this was not a unanimous agreement among European powers. Different countries had different policies and approaches towards colonization and territorial claims.

4. "Explorers could only claim land in the New World Temporarily": This statement reflects the idea that explorers could only claim land temporarily without establishing permanent settlements. While this concept of temporary claims was a general practice among European explorers, it was not a unanimously agreed-upon point among all European powers.

Based on the provided responses, there isn't a point that all European powers agreed on. Each power had its own perspective, policies, and approach to land claims in the New World.

The correct response is: Countries could not lay claim to any land in the New World.