Diana wanted to make peanut brittle for a holiday party, so she bought a 16.5-ounce jar of peanuts at the grocery store. She used

of the peanuts to make peanut brittle. The next week, she split the remaining peanuts into 3 bags of trail mix for a hike with friends. How many ounces of peanuts did Diana put in each bag of trail mix?
Write your answer as a whole number, decimal, fraction, or mixed number. Simplify any fractions.

Diana used 35/100 of the peanuts to make peanut brittle. This leaves 1 - 35/100 = 1/100 of the peanuts remaining.

Diana split this 1/100 of the peanuts into 3 bags, so each bag contains 1/100 ÷ 3 = (1 ÷ 100) ÷ 3 = 1 ÷ (100 × 3) = 1 ÷ 300 = 1/300 of the peanuts.
1/300 of 16.5 ounces is (1/300) × 16.5 = 0.055 ounces.
So Diana put 0.055 ounces of peanuts in each bag of trail mix.

To find out how many ounces of peanuts Diana put in each bag of trail mix, we need to divide the remaining number of peanuts by the number of bags.

Step 1: Subtract the amount of peanuts used for peanut brittle from the total amount purchased:
16.5 - 3.5 = 13

Step 2: Divide the remaining peanuts into 3 bags:
13 / 3 = 4.33

So, Diana put approximately 4.33 ounces of peanuts in each bag of trail mix.