Hydrogen is in Group 1A of the periodic table, known as the alkali metals, although it obviously isn't a metal. What is the reason for its placement in this group?


There isn't room for hydrogen on the right side of the table with other nonmetals.
There isn't room for hydrogen on the right side of the table with other nonmetals.

Hydrogen is a metal, but has an extremely low vaporization point.
Hydrogen is a metal, but has an extremely low vaporization point.

Hydrogen has the same electron configuration as alkali metals.
Hydrogen has the same electron configuration as alkali metals.

Scientists didn't want to reconfigure the periodic table after they discovered that hydrogen wasn't a metal.

There isn't room for hydrogen on the right side of the table with other nonmetals.

What element behaves MOST like magnesium (Mg)?







As we move from left to right across the periodic table, what is the general trend?


Metallic character decreases.
Metallic character decreases.

Electronegativity decreases.
Electronegativity decreases.

Atomic radii increase.
Atomic radii increase.

Nuclear shielding increases.

Metallic character decreases.

Consider this row in the periodic table of elements. Evaluate which element(s) is/are most likely to conduct electricity.



lithium and beryllium
lithium and beryllium

flourine and neon
flourine and neon


Lithium and beryllium

Differentiate between metals and noble gases.


All electrons are different - noble gases have a full shells while metals have greater than half shells.
All electrons are different - noble gases have a full shells while metals have greater than half shells.

Metals have a nearly full shell of valence electrons while noble gases have a half shell of valence electrons.
Metals have a nearly full shell of valence electrons while noble gases have a half shell of valence electrons.

Noble gases have a full shell of valence electrons while metals have only a few valence electrons.
Noble gases have a full shell of valence electrons while metals have only a few valence electrons.

Valence electrons are different - metals have a full shell while noble gases have less than half a shell.

Noble gases have a full shell of valence electrons while metals have only a few valence electrons.

The main-group elements are the forty-four elements that occupy groups 1A-VIIIA of the periodic table. Main-group elements are important because of their high natural abundance both in the Earth's crust and in the human body and are commercially valuable. Review the families containing main group elements and locate families IVA - VIIA. When forming chemical compounds, these four families have commonalities. Explain using as many answer choices that would apply.


As nonmetals, they have high electron affinities.
As nonmetals, they have high electron affinities.

They gain or share electrons when they react with other elements.
They gain or share electrons when they react with other elements.

When forming compounds they become positive ions.
When forming compounds they become positive ions.

When forming compounds, they obey the octet rule to have eight outer electrons.
When forming compounds, they obey the octet rule to have eight outer electrons.

These elements form covalent bonds when combining with metals.