George said you need to take out the garbage before dinner, but Grandma said you could wait until you finish your dinner.

Which type of pronouns are used in the sentence?

(1 point)

first person
first person

third person
third person

second person
second person

intensive pronoun

third person


The correct answer is:

second person

Standard English Unit Test

9 of 139 of 13 Items

Use the sentence to answer the question.

When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, it had a large hole.

Which correction makes it clear what the antecedent is for it?

(1 point)

When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, she discovered that it had a large hole.
When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, she discovered that it had a large hole.

When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, the lining had a large hole.
When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, the lining had a large hole.

When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, its surface had a large hole.
When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, its surface had a large hole.

When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, one had a large hole.
When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, one had a large hole.
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The correct answer is:

When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, she discovered that it had a large hole.


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