Self-respect will strengthen your relationships true or false

True. Self-respect is important in maintaining healthy relationships. When you have respect for yourself, you are more likely to establish boundaries, communicate effectively, and ensure that your needs and wants are met in the relationship. This can lead to more fulfilling and lasting relationships.

Friendship can impact physical health true or false

True. Research has shown that strong social connections, including friendships, can have a positive impact on physical health. Having supportive friendships can reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses, lower blood pressure, and enhance overall well-being. Additionally, friends can provide emotional support, encourage healthy behaviors, and help cope with stress, which can further contribute to improved physical health.

A good friend can be someone who multiple choice

demands their own way.


is good to have fun with

you can confide in

The correct answer is: you can confide in.

Qualities of a healthy relationship include:(1 point)


mutual respect
mutual respect




all of the above

Correct answer: all of the above.

Active listening is a form of communication.(1 point)





The three C's for building health relationships include which of the following:(1 point)

Yes No
Yes – Circulation
No – Circulation
Yes – Compromise
No – Compromise
Yes – Cooperation
No – Cooperation
Yes – Carefulness
No – Carefulness
Yes – Communication
No – Communication

The three C's for building healthy relationships include:

1. Communication - Yes
2. Compromise - Yes
3. Cooperation - Yes

The incorrect option is Carefulness, as it is not one of the three C's for building healthy relationships.

What does it mean to compromise?

To compromise means to find a middle ground or reach a mutual agreement with another person or group by making concessions. It involves both parties making sacrifices or adjustments in order to find a resolution that satisfies both sides. Compromising requires open communication, flexibility, and a willingness to find mutually beneficial solutions.

What does it mean to compromise?

Promise to never see each other again.

Both lose.

Everyone gives a little so you both win.

You get everything you want.

To compromise means that both parties involved in a situation or conflict make concessions or sacrifices in order to find a solution or agreement that is acceptable to both. It involves finding a middle ground or reaching a mutual understanding where each person gives a little and both parties benefit or at least find a fair resolution. Compromising is not about one person getting everything they want or resulting in both parties losing.

Changes in family structure may include:

Choose all that apply.






The correct answers are:

- Adoption
- Separation
- Divorce
- Remarriage

Moving, while it can impact a family, is not specifically related to changes in family structure.