Based on the root words chart, what is the most likely meaning of benevolent?

Well meaning, kindly
Well meaning, kindly

Wishing to do harm
Wishing to do harm

Plain or obvious
Plain or obvious

Dealing with a person's life

Well meaning, kindly

Based on the root words chart, what is the most likely meaning of anthropomorphize? To find a way around

To find a way around

Attribute human behavior to
Attribute human behavior to

To change gradually
To change gradually

Magnitude or size

Attribute human behavior to

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Based on the root words chart, the most likely meaning of "benevolent" would be "well meaning, kindly."

To determine the most likely meaning of the word "benevolent" based on the root words chart, we can break down the word into its root parts. "Bene-" comes from the Latin root word "bene," which means "well" or "good," and "-volent" comes from the Latin root word "volens," which means "wishing" or "willing." Therefore, combining these roots, the most likely meaning of "benevolent" is "well meaning" or "kindly," as it implies someone who has a good and willing intention.