Apply the Zero Power Rule to create an equivalent expression to 4/3(−2+1^0).(1 point)

An equivalent expression to 4/3(−2+1^0) is 4/3(−2+

An equivalent expression to 4/3(−2+1^0) is 4/3(−2+1).

Which of the following is developed to result in the answer of 1?(1 point)


5 superscript 0 baseline plus 9 superscript 0 baseline

13 minus left parenthesis 7.42 right parenthesis superscript 0 baseline

3 left parenthesis 8 superscript 0 baseline right parenthesis


The response "5 superscript 0 baseline plus 9 superscript 0 baseline" is the one developed to result in the answer of 1.

Solve the expression 2(1.60+7)−4.90.

To apply the Zero Power Rule, we need to evaluate 1^0 first. Any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1.

1^0 = 1

Now, we can substitute this value back into the original expression:

4/3(-2+1^0) = 4/3(-2+1)

Simplifying further:

4/3(-2+1) = 4/3(-1)

Therefore, an equivalent expression to 4/3(-2+1^0) is 4/3(-1).

To apply the Zero Power Rule, we need to simplify the term 1^0 first. Any number (except 0) raised to the power of 0 is always equal to 1. Therefore, 1^0 = 1.

Now, let's substitute this value into the expression:

4/3(-2 + 1^0) = 4/3(-2 + 1) = 4/3(-1).

To create an equivalent expression using the Zero Power Rule, we know that any number multiplied by -1 is the same as that number multiplied by -1^0. Since we have already simplified 1^0 to 1, we can rewrite -1 as -1^0:

4/3(-1) = 4/3(-1^0).

Therefore, an equivalent expression to 4/3(-2 + 1^0) using the Zero Power Rule is 4/3(-1^0).