Zero Power Rule of Exponents Practice

Math 8 Q1 (Pre-Algebra) / Exponent Rules

Solve the expression 2(1.60+7)−4.90.(1 point)

To solve this expression, we can use the order of operations (PEMDAS).

First, we need to simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
1.60 + 7 = 8.6

Next, we multiply 2 by the simplified expression:
2 * 8.6 = 17.2

Now, we need to multiply 4.90 by 17.2:
4.90 * 17.2 = 84.28

Therefore, the expression 2(1.60+7)-4.90 equals 84.28.

To solve the expression 2(1.60+7)−4.90, follow these steps:

Step 1: Perform the addition inside the parentheses.
1.60 + 7 = 8.60

Step 2: Multiply the sum by 2.
2 * 8.60 = 17.20

Step 3: Subtract 4.90 from the product obtained in Step 2.
17.20 - 4.90 = 12.30

Therefore, the solution to the expression 2(1.60+7)−4.90 is 12.30.