Directions: Constructed responses should be between three and five sentences in length.

Describe at least three benefits of dams and reservoirs.
(3 points)

1) Dams and reservoirs provide a reliable source of water for various purposes such as irrigation, drinking water supply, and industrial use. They help in storing water during periods of excess rainfall or snowfall, which can be used during dry seasons or droughts.

2) Dams also help in flood control by regulating the flow of water downstream. They can hold back water during heavy rains and release it in a controlled manner, reducing the risk of downstream flooding.
3) Dams and reservoirs can also generate electricity through hydropower. This renewable source of energy is clean and sustainable, contributing to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

Three benefits of dams and reservoirs include: (1) water storage, as they can capture and store water during periods of high rainfall for use during dry spells, ensuring a reliable water supply for agriculture, industry, and households; (2) flood control, as dams can regulate the flow of water downstream, reducing the risk of flooding in areas located downstream; and (3) hydroelectric power generation, as dams with turbines can harness the stored water's kinetic energy to produce electricity, providing a renewable and reliable source of energy.