Define hero

A hero is an individual who displays exceptional courage, strength, and selflessness in the face of a challenging or dangerous situation. They often embody qualities such as bravery, moral integrity, and a willingness to put others' needs before their own. Heroes can be found in various aspects of life, including fictional characters, historical figures, and ordinary people who perform extraordinary acts of kindness or sacrifice. They inspire and motivate others through their actions, serving as role models and symbols of hope.

In one sentence

A hero is someone who exhibits exceptional bravery, selflessness, and moral integrity, serving as a role model and inspiration to others.

A hero is a person who displays bravery, courage, and selflessness in the face of danger or adversity. They are often admired and respected for their exceptional actions or qualities, which may include acts of bravery, kindness, leadership, or sacrifice. Heroes can be found in various contexts, such as in stories, history, or real-life situations, and they serve as sources of inspiration and role models for others. The concept of a hero is subjective and can vary based on cultural, social, and personal perspectives.