Convert 6.875 mi to m.

• 1.107085346 x 10^4 m
• 4.269 x 10^3 m
• 1.107 × 10^-2 m
• 1.107 x 10^4 m

To convert miles to meters, we use the conversion factor 1 mile = 1609.34 meters.

Therefore, 6.875 miles is equal to 6.875 x 1609.34 meters.

Calculating this value, we get:

6.875 x 1609.34 = 11070.6125 meters

Rounding this value to the appropriate number of significant figures, we get:

11070.6125 m ≈ 1.107 x 10^4 m

So, the correct answer is 1.107 x 10^4 m.

To convert miles to meters, we can use the conversion factor:

1 mile = 1609.34 meters

So, to convert 6.875 miles to meters, we can multiply by the conversion factor:

6.875 mi * 1609.34 m/mi = 11,067.0835 m

Therefore, the correct answer is 1.107 × 10^4 m.