Compare the following numbers using < or > am rounding to the nearest tenths place.

Show your work.
6.51326... and 39 squared

To compare the numbers, we need to round 6.51326... and calculate 39 squared.

Rounding 6.51326 to the nearest tenths place, we get 6.5.

Calculating 39 squared, we get 39 x 39 = 1521.

Comparing the rounded number 6.5 to 1521 using < or >, we can see that 6.5 is less than 1521.

Therefore, 6.51326... < 39 squared.

To compare 6.51326 rounded to the nearest tenths place with 39 squared, we first need to calculate 39 squared.

39 squared = 39 * 39 = 1521

Now, let's compare 6.51326 rounded to the nearest tenths place with 1521.

Rounded to the nearest tenths place, 6.51326 becomes 6.5.

6.5 < 1521

So, 6.51326 rounded to the nearest tenths place is less than 39 squared.