Por quality child care is a threat to children's healthy social-emotional development.

True or false?

False. Quality child care is not a threat to children's healthy social-emotional development, but rather it can support and enhance their development in these areas. Quality child care typically provides a safe and nurturing environment where children can engage in positive social interactions with both peers and caregivers. Skilled caregivers can also promote emotional well-being by providing responsive and sensitive care, helping children develop secure attachments, and supporting their emotional needs.

False. Quality child care is not a threat to children's healthy social-emotional development. In fact, quality child care can promote healthy social-emotional development in children. A nurturing and stimulating environment provided by quality child care can help children develop social skills, emotional resilience, and positive relationships with peers and caregivers. It is important for child care providers to create a safe and supportive environment that allows children to explore and interact with others, fostering their social-emotional growth.