What specifically should the learners be able to do with the contents by the end of the lesson about healthy and unhealthy food (purpose of lesson) (indicate actions with active verbs: not know and understand)

N.B The lesson objectives should provide an indicator in terms of the SKAV.

1. Identify and classify foods into healthy and unhealthy categories based on nutritional value.

2. Analyze the impact of different food choices on overall health and well-being.
3. Evaluate the nutritional content of common food items and make informed decisions about their inclusion in a balanced diet.
4. Justify the importance of choosing and consuming healthy foods for long-term health and disease prevention.
5. Create a personalized meal plan that prioritizes healthy food choices and incorporates a variety of nutrients.
6. Demonstrate the ability to read and understand food labels to make informed decisions about the nutritional content of packaged foods.

By the end of the lesson about healthy and unhealthy food, learners should be able to:

1. Identify and classify different types of healthy and unhealthy foods.
2. Analyze the nutritional content of various food items to determine their health benefits or detriments.
3. Evaluate the impact of unhealthy food choices on overall health and well-being.
4. Compare and contrast the characteristics and effects of healthy and unhealthy food choices.
5. Create a balanced meal plan that incorporates nutritious and wholesome foods.
6. Justify their food choices based on scientific evidence and knowledge of healthy eating guidelines.
7. Apply strategies to make healthier food choices in daily life, considering factors such as taste, convenience, and cost.