Construct an arc, BC, with a center at point A, a radius of 4 cm, and a measure of 45 degrees.

To construct an arc BC with a center at point A, a radius of 4 cm, and a measure of 45 degrees, follow these steps:

1. Start with a blank piece of paper and draw a point A anywhere on the paper.

2. Use a ruler to draw a line segment AB of any desired length. This will be the radius of the arc.

3. Place the point of the compass at point A and open the compass to a distance of 4 cm.

4. Without changing the compass width, draw an arc that intersects line AB at points C and D. Label the point of intersection with line AB as C.

5. Next, draw a line segment AC to connect points A and C.

6. Finally, draw a line segment BC to connect points B and C.

Now you have successfully constructed an arc BC with a center at point A, a radius of 4 cm, and a measure of 45 degrees.

To construct an arc, BC, with a center at point A, a radius of 4 cm, and a measure of 45 degrees, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Start by drawing a line segment AB. This will serve as the radius of the arc. Make sure it is long enough to accommodate the length of the desired arc.

2. From point A, set your compass to a radius of 4 cm.

3. Place the pointed end of the compass at point A and draw an arc intersecting line AB. This will be point C, which is the endpoint of the arc.

4. Without changing the compass width, place the pointed end at point C and draw another arc that intersects the previous arc. Label this point of intersection as point B.

5. Finally, connect points B and C to form the arc BC.

Your arc, BC, with a center at point A, a radius of 4 cm, and a measure of 45 degrees, is now constructed.