Which year saw the highest number of people sent to the Americas from Africa

The highest number of people sent from Africa to the Americas occurred during the 1780s to the 1860s, with the peak years being in the first half of the 19th century. However, it is important to note that accurate records on the number of slaves transported are scarce, and estimates vary.

Exact year

Unfortunately, there is no exact year that can be determined as the highest number of people sent from Africa to the Americas. The transatlantic slave trade spanned over several centuries, with varying numbers of enslaved individuals being transported each year. As mentioned earlier, records from that time are incomplete and estimates can differ.

Give 1 or two of the highest year

While it is difficult to provide an exact year, estimates suggest that some of the highest numbers of people sent from Africa to the Americas occurred in the early to mid-1800s. One of the notable years often mentioned is 1808, which marked the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade by many European powers, including the United Kingdom and the United States. However, even after the official abolition, illegal slave trading continued, making it difficult to determine the exact highest year with certainty.

How many ship voyages happened during the 340 years of slavery

It is challenging to determine the exact number of ship voyages that occurred during the 340 years of the transatlantic slave trade. Records from that period are incomplete and vary in accuracy. It is estimated that there were approximately 36,000 voyages made by slave ships during this time. However, it is important to note that this figure is an estimate and may not capture the entire scope of the slave trade. The wide range of sources and the secretive nature of many slave ship voyages make it difficult to provide a precise number.

In Blight of Biafra how many enslavedand kidnapped people where returned

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any specific information about a historic event or reference related to "Blight of Biafra" in my database. It's possible that the term or event you mentioned may not be well-known or widely documented. Can you provide any additional context or details?

Ok it is a port that slave trader used to transport slaves in Africa