m angle 2 equals 34 degrees. Find m angle 4 and explain how you know.

Two lines intersect in the shape of an x to form four angles. The angle at the top is labeled 1. The angle on the right is labeled 2. The angle at the bottom is labeled 3. The angle on the left is labeled 4.

To find m∠4, we need to determine its measure based on the given information.

Since lines 2 and 4 form an X shape, we know that corresponding angles are congruent. Therefore, m∠2 = m∠4.

Given that m∠2 = 34 degrees, we can conclude that m∠4 is also 34 degrees.

To find m angle 4, we can use the fact that opposite angles formed by intersecting lines are equal. Since angle 2 is labeled as 34 degrees, angle 4 will also be 34 degrees. We know this because angles 2 and 4 are opposite each other and therefore congruent.

So, m angle 4 = 34 degrees.