What is the dimension of the F in the formula of newton's law of universal gravitation

The dimension of the force F in the formula of Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation is

[Mass] * [Acceleration]
= [Mass] * [Length] * [Time]^-2
= M * L * T^-2

where M represents the dimension of mass, L represents the dimension of length, and T represents the dimension of time.

The dimension of the force (F) in the formula of Newton's law of universal gravitation is a measure of the force unit. In the International System of Units (SI), the dimension of force is given as Mass times Distance divided by Time squared, or M•L•T⁻². In other words, it has dimensions of kilograms times meters per second squared (kg•m/s²) or Newtons (N), which is a derived unit named after Sir Isaac Newton, the physicist who formulated the law of universal gravitation.