Define prejudice

Prejudice is a preconceived opinion or judgment about an individual or a group based on limited or incorrect information, stereotypes, or assumptions. It involves holding biased and unfair views towards others without factual evidence or firsthand experience. Prejudice can lead to discrimination, mistreatment, and marginalization of the targeted individuals or groups based on their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic.

Prejudice is a preconceived opinion or attitude, usually negative, towards a person or a group based on their characteristics such as race, religion, nationality, gender, or other social factors. It involves making assumptions or judgments about individuals or groups without adequate knowledge or understanding of their uniqueness, abilities, or circumstances. Prejudice often leads to discrimination and unfair treatment, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and biases. It is important to challenge and overcome prejudice in order to promote equality and inclusivity in society.