What are some Verb form of taboo

Some verb forms of "taboo" include:

1. Tabooed: to place a taboo or prohibition on something.
2. Taboos: to consider something as socially or culturally prohibited.
3. Tabooing: the act of making something taboo.
4. Tabooize: to make something taboo or treat it as such.
5. Tabooing: to forbid or prohibit something due to cultural or social reasons.

Suffixes and prefixes of taboo

The suffixes and prefixes often used with the word "taboo" include:

1. -ed: Examples include tabooed, indicating something that has been placed under a taboo.
2. -ing: Examples include tabooing, indicating the act of making something taboo or forbidding it.
3. -ism: Examples include tabooism, indicating the belief in or adherence to taboos.
4. -ize/-ise: Examples include tabooize/tabooise, indicating the act of making something taboo or treating it as such.
5. -ary: Examples include tabooary, indicating a collection or system of taboos.

1. Un-: Examples include untabooed, indicating the removal or absence of a taboo.
2. Non-: Examples include non-tabooed, indicating something that does not have a taboo associated with it.
3. Anti-: Examples include antitaboo, indicating against taboos or challenging their validity.
4. De-: Examples include detabooize, indicating the removal or elimination of taboos.
5. Pro-: Examples include protaboo, indicating in favor of or promoting taboos.

Some verb forms of taboo are:

1. Tabooed: This is the past tense form of taboo, used to indicate that something was forbidden or prohibited.
Example: The subject of politics was tabooed at the family dinner table.

2. Taboos: This is the present tense form of taboo, used to describe the act of prohibiting or forbidding something.
Example: The religious community taboos the consumption of alcohol.

3. Tabooing: This is the present participle form of taboo, used to indicate an ongoing or continuous act of forbidding or prohibiting something.
Example: The school is tabooing the use of smartphones in classrooms.