Three influences of self esteem on teenagers participating in risky behaviour?

1) Peer pressure: Teenagers with low self-esteem may be more susceptible to peer pressure and may engage in risky behaviors in order to fit in or gain acceptance from their peers. They may feel the need to take risks or engage in dangerous activities in order to prove themselves or boost their self-image.

2) Impulsivity: Low self-esteem can contribute to impulsivity in teenagers. They may engage in risky behaviors without considering the potential consequences or thinking about long-term effects. This impulsivity can lead to engaging in dangerous activities such as substance abuse, reckless driving, or unsafe sexual behavior.

3) Thrill-seeking behavior: Teenagers with low self-esteem may engage in risky behaviors as a way to seek excitement or adrenaline rushes. They may see these activities as a way to temporarily boost their self-esteem and feel more confident or capable. This can lead to engaging in activities like extreme sports, substance abuse, or dangerous stunts.

Step 1: Impact on Decision-Making: Self-esteem plays a crucial role in teenagers' decision-making processes. Low self-esteem can lead to a lack of confidence in one's abilities and a fear of rejection or failure. This can result in teenagers engaging in risky behaviors as a way to seek validation, fit in with peer groups, or prove themselves.

Step 2: Peer Pressure: Self-esteem can influence how teenagers respond to peer pressure. Those with low self-esteem may be more susceptible to the influence of others, making them more likely to engage in risky behavior in an attempt to gain acceptance or feel a sense of belonging. They may feel compelled to go along with the crowd rather than making decisions based on their own values and judgment.

Step 3: Impulse Control: Self-esteem has an impact on a teenager's ability to control impulses and make responsible choices. Adolescents with low self-esteem may struggle with regulating their behaviors and emotions, which can lead to impulsive decisions and engaging in risky behaviors without considering the potential consequences. Low self-esteem can diminish their belief in their own capabilities and hinder their ability to assess risks effectively.