search for the book "Managing Human resources" by Snell, what is the title of part 4 and what are the page mumbers??

I'm sorry, but I cannot browse the internet or access specific book details. However, I can provide you with a general structure commonly found in books about managing human resources. Typically, book parts are divided into sections and chapters rather than titled parts. Part 4 of a book like "Managing Human Resources" by Snell would likely consist of chapters related to a specific topic. To find the specific information you're looking for, I recommend checking the table of contents or index of the book itself.

Apologies, but as an AI text-based bot, I do not have real-time access to specific book titles, their contents, or page numbers. However, I can provide you with a general approach to find this information.

To find the title of part 4 and its corresponding page numbers in the book "Managing Human Resources" by Snell, follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the book's title along with the author's name using an online bookstore, library catalog, or academic database.
2. Once you find the book, check the table of contents or index for the chapters or parts mentioned in the book.
3. Locate and check the part/table of contents section that mentions the different parts or sections of the book.
4. Look for part 4 and note down its title.
5. If the book has page numbers mentioned, you can find the corresponding page numbers for part 4 by using the table of contents or flipping through the pages.
6. If you are accessing an electronic version of the book, you can use the search function to find keywords related to part 4, which may help you identify the title and page numbers.

Remember, the specific page numbers for part 4 may vary depending on the edition and publication of the book, so it's essential to refer to the specific edition you have for accurate information.