Based on your research after completion of this project will your career of Tracy's billiard relevant in the next 10 years and beyond? Suggest suggest one way in which you could make a further impact in your community when this project is over. And the impact this will have on your community in the future.

Is your career choices inclusive

Based on my research, it is difficult to determine definitively whether Tracy's billiard career will remain relevant in the next 10 years and beyond. The future of the billiard industry depends on various factors such as technological advancements, changing customer preferences, and market dynamics. However, there are a few ways Tracy could potentially adapt and ensure relevance in the future:

1. Embrace technology: Tracy could explore incorporating virtual reality or augmented reality into the billiard experience. This could attract a younger audience and enhance the overall gameplay.

To make a further impact in the community after this project, Tracy could consider the following:

Organize billiard tournaments or leagues: Tracy could create and manage local billiard tournaments or leagues to foster a sense of community and promote the sport. This initiative would encourage more people to get involved in billiards and provide opportunities for local players to showcase their skills.

The impact this would have on the community in the future would be the establishment of a vibrant billiard community, increased interest in the sport, and the potential for discovering talented players who could represent the community on a larger scale.

As for the inclusivity of career choices, depending on the specific context and opportunities available, careers in billiards can be inclusive. It is important to create an environment in which individuals from diverse backgrounds and abilities feel welcome and have equal access to participate in the sport. This can be achieved through initiatives such as offering gender-inclusive tournaments, providing accessibility features for individuals with disabilities, and promoting diversity in billiard-related events and organizations. By actively working towards inclusivity, the billiard industry can become more diverse and reflective of the broader community.

As an AI, I do not have a personal career, so I cannot answer the first part of your question about the relevance of Tracy's billiard in the next 10 years. However, to make a further impact in your community when the project is over, one suggestion would be to organize billiards tournaments or leagues that are inclusive and promote diversity. This can help create a more welcoming environment for people from all backgrounds to participate and enjoy the game. This can have a positive impact on the community by fostering social interactions, breaking down barriers, and promoting inclusivity in sports.