How many significant digits are there

6.5*10 to power of-3 mL
-6.0* 10 to power of-2 kJ mol

0.009000J has 4 significant digits.

50400kg has 3 significant digits.
6.5*10 to the power of -3 mL has 2 significant digits.
-6.0*10 to the power of -2 kJ mol has 2 significant digits.

How many significant digits

9.4*10 to power of -2 mL
-9.0*10 to power of-1 kJ mol

9.4*10 to the power of -2 mL has 2 significant digits.

1900kg has 2 significant digits.
0.004900J has 3 significant digits.
-9.0*10 to the power of -1 kJ mol has 2 significant digits.

To determine the number of significant digits in a given number, follow these steps:

1. Count all non-zero digits. These digits are always significant.

2. Count all zeros between non-zero digits. These zeros are also significant.

3. Zeros that appear before the first non-zero digit are not significant and are only placeholders, so they are not counted.

4. Zeros that appear after the last non-zero digit may or may not be significant, depending on whether there is a decimal point present.

Now, let's apply these rules to the given numbers:

1. 0.009000J
- The non-zero digits are 9.
- There are three zeros between the non-zero digits, which makes them significant.
- The total number of significant digits is 6.

2. 50400kg
- The non-zero digits are 5, 4, and 4.
- There are no zeros between the non-zero digits.
- The total number of significant digits is 3.

3. 6.5*10^-3 mL
- The non-zero digits are 6 and 5.
- There is one zero, but it appears before the first non-zero digit, so it is not counted.
- The total number of significant digits is 2.

4. -6.0*10^-2 kJ mol
- The non-zero digits are 6.
- There is one zero, but it appears after the last non-zero digit and there is a decimal point present, so it is significant.
- The total number of significant digits is 2.

Therefore, the number of significant digits in each given number are:
- 0.009000J: 6 significant digits
- 50400kg: 3 significant digits
- 6.5*10^-3 mL: 2 significant digits
- -6.0*10^-2 kJ mol: 2 significant digits