A recipe for pound cake calls for 7 eggs and 3 cups of all-purpose flour. Gavin only has 5 eggs. How many cups of all-purpose flour should he use?

To find out how many cups of all-purpose flour Gavin should use, we need to determine the ratio of eggs to flour in the original recipe.

The ratio is 7 eggs to 3 cups of all-purpose flour.

Using this ratio, we can set up a proportion to solve for the missing amount of flour:

7 eggs / 3 cups of flour = 5 eggs / x cups of flour

Cross-multiplying, we get:

7x = 5 * 3

Simplifying, we have:

7x = 15

Dividing both sides by 7, we find:

x = 15 / 7 = 2.14 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

So, Gavin should use approximately 2.14 cups of all-purpose flour.

To adjust the recipe for pound cake since Gavin only has 5 eggs instead of the required 7 eggs, you will need to calculate the ratio of eggs to flour in the original recipe.

The ratio of eggs to flour in the original recipe is 7 eggs to 3 cups of flour.

To find out how many cups of flour Gavin should use, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

(5 eggs) / (7 eggs) = (x cups of flour) / (3 cups of flour)

Cross-multiplying the proportion:

5 * 3 = 7 * x

15 = 7x

Dividing both sides of the equation by 7:

15 / 7 = x

x ≈ 2.14

So, Gavin should use approximately 2.14 cups of all-purpose flour.