The integer -20 would be best represents which of these events

Without any further context or information about the events being referred to, it is not possible to determine which event best represents the integer -20. More information is needed to make a meaningful connection between the number and the event.

The integer -20 can be best represented in the following events:

1. Temperature: -20°C represents a very cold temperature. It could be used to represent a winter day or extreme cold weather.

2. Bank Balance: A negative bank balance of -20 represents a debt or an overdraft of $20. This could indicate that someone owes money to the bank.

3. Loss in Points: In a sports game or competition, a team losing by 20 points could be represented by the integer -20. This indicates that the team is behind by 20 points.

4. Decrease in stock value: If the value of a stock decreases by $20, it could be represented by the integer -20. This indicates a drop in the stock's value.

Each of these events reflects different scenarios where the integer -20 can be used to represent a certain situation.