what is 0.75 converted to a fraction the answer should be given in the simplest form.

To convert 0.75 to a fraction, we can write it as 75/100. However, this fraction can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 25. Dividing 75 by 25 gives 3, and dividing 100 by 25 gives 4. Thus, the simplest form of 0.75 as a fraction is 3/4.

To convert 0.75 to a fraction, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Recognize that the number after the decimal point is in the hundredths place.

Step 2: Write the decimal as a fraction by placing the number after the decimal point over the appropriate place value. In this case, 75 is in the hundredths place, so it can be written as 75/100.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor of 75 and 100 is 25, so our simplified fraction is 75/100 รท 25/25 = 3/4.

Therefore, 0.75 can be simplified to the fraction 3/4 in its simplest form.