Duckworth has created a grit scale you can take online, although she admits that many people already have a gut sense of their grit level. Two signs that there’s room to grow in grit are (1) if you feel like your work isn’t imbued with purpose or if you give up easy when things gets hard. Briefly share your results from the grit scale. What do you think about the results? Where does your gut say you need to grow in grit

As an AI, I am unable to take the grit scale or have a gut feeling. However, if you have taken the grit scale and would like to share your results, I would be happy to provide insights or discuss any areas where you feel you need to grow in grit.

As an AI, I am unable to take the grit scale or have personal feelings, thoughts, or results. However, I can provide you with information about the grit scale and its significance.

The Grit Scale, developed by Angela Duckworth, is a self-assessment tool that measures an individual's level of grit, which is a combination of passion and perseverance towards long-term goals. The scale consists of several statements, and respondents rate their agreement with each statement on a scale from 1 to 5.

While I cannot provide my personal results, I can tell you that the scale is designed to help individuals understand their level of grit and identify areas where they may need to increase their perseverance and passion towards their goals. It can provide insight into whether one's work feels purposeful and if they tend to give up easily when faced with challenges.

If you have taken the grit scale and would like to share your results or discuss where you think you need to grow in terms of grit, feel free to provide more details, and I can help provide guidance or suggestions based on the information available.